Are You Registered to Vote?
Ballot Applications for Village Elections
Application must be personally delivered to the Village not later than the day before the election. If you want to mail your application, it must be received by the Village not later than the 10th day before the election. The ballot itself must either be personally delivered to the Village no later than the close of polls on election day, or postmarked by a governmental postal service not later than the day of the election and received no later than 7 days after the election.
Who may apply for an absentee or early mail ballot?
Each person must apply for themselves. It is a felony to make a false statement in an application for an early mail ballot, to attempt to cast an illegal ballot, or to help anyone to cast an illegal ballot.
Where and when to return your application:
Applications for an absentee or early mail ballot that will be delivered in-person at the Village Hall to the voter, or an agent of the voter must be received not later than the day before the election. Applications for a ballot to be delivered by mail to the voter must be received at the Village Hall no later than 10 days before the election.
When will your ballot be sent to you?
Your absentee or early mail ballot materials will be sent to you beginning 46 days before the Village Election in which you are eligible to vote. If you applied after this date, your ballot will be sent immediately after your completed and signed application is received and processed by the Village Clerk. If you prefer, you may designate someone to pick up your ballot for you, by completing the required information in section 4, as appropriate. Contact the Village Hall if you have not received your ballot.
Resources for Potential Candidates
This information is updated year to year and provided to you as a curtesy and resource. Use at your own risk and always double check the NYS Election Law. The Village cannot provide any guidance, assistance, or physical resources to potential candidates.