Justice Court


Please be advised that the Baxter Estates Village Court has resumed in person court sessions. If you have received a letter that you have been scheduled to appear, you are required to do so. If in lieu of an in-person appearance you would like to participate in a virtual conference, please contact the Court Clerk.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the Court Clerk, Dawn Ward, by email at dward1@nycourts.gov.

In 2003 the Village created the offices of Village Justice and Associate Village Justice to enforce the laws and ordinances of the Village relating to parking, fire prevention and safety, health, sanitation, building zoning and planning. The Village enforcement personnel are authorized to issue appearance tickets. The Village Court is held at the Village Office once every other month on a set date (see below).

Village Justice – Hon. Corey Worcester
Associate Village Justice – Hon. Gale D. Berg
Village Court Clerk – Ms. Dawn Ward (email: dward1@nycourts.gov)

Justice Court is held at the Village Hall, 315 Main Street, Port Washington, NY at 7:00pm. Parking is available in the rear of Village Hall, and in the metered Town Parking Lot #9 across the street, the Town Dock, and along Main Street.

Upcoming Court Dates are as follows:
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Tuesday, July 22, 2025
Tuesday, September 9, 2025
Tuesday, November 18, 2025

If you have a suspension pending (not yet in effect) and have the paperwork you received from the Department of Motor Vehicles (“DMV”), you may place the DMV paperwork in an envelope and deposit it in the drop box. If your suspension is in effect, you must deposit the DMV paperwork as well as a money order for $70 in order for the suspension to be lifted. Personal checks are not permitted to lift a suspension. If you have multiple outstanding suspensions, you must pay $70 per suspension. You can also appear on a Court night to lift a suspension, in which case cash will also be accepted.

Only Village Court staff members have access to court records and are permitted to answer questions about court matters. Please respect the non-Court employees of the Village who are not permitted to answer Court questions.

To reach the Court, you can email the Court Clerk, Dawn Ward, at dward1@nycourts.gov with any inquiries.